Thursday, September 18, 2008

Maths and Life : Chapter 1- Modulus

Basic Property: Modulus (absolute value) of a number (positive or negative), is always positive.
The absolute value of a number a is denoted by | a |. So | a | is positive, irrespective of a is positive or negative.

Nice property eh!!.. I was revisiting this topic in maths a few days back. That was a time; I was having a mood which was going on the negative side of the happiness graph. My self confidence was at all time low level!!

Suddenly, something clicked in my mind. I thought that if we could take the modulus of every incident that relates to us, and could try to find some positive result out of each of that, then we can see the positive side everything. It’s other way of saying, having a positive attitude towards life.

In the next postings, I will correlate some other topics of maths with Life :)


Partha Pratim Sanyal said...

Good one, never thought likewise!

SO you next post could be on say e^x....

the enthusiasm seen in a fresh campus recruit... and as the number of years he spends increases...the enthusiasm curve flatten!

Partha Pratim Sanyal said...

some thought.. not related to your post.. but somehow relates to me

"If you’ve found something you really like to do – say write beautiful sentences – not because of the possible benefits to the world of doing it, but because doing it brings you the satisfaction & sense of completeness nothing else can, then do it at the highest level of performance you are capable of, and leave the world & its problems to others."

Unknown said...

Nice metaphor! ..keep posting